
Thursday, July 25, 2013

The World's Most Powerful People: The Top 20

1. Barack Obama

President, United States of America. Age: 51.

2. Angela Merkel

Chancellor, Germany. Age: 58.

3. Vladimir Putin

President, Russia. Age: 60.

4. Bill Gates

Cochair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Age: 57.

5. Pope Benedict XVI

Pope, Roman Catholic Church. Age: 85.

6. Ben Bernanke

Chairman, U.S. Federal Reserve. Age: 59.

7. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud

King, Saudi Arabia. Age: 88.

8. Mario Draghi

President, European Central Bank. Age: 65.

9. Xi Jinping

General Secretary, Communist Party Of China. Age: 59.

10. David Cameron

Prime Minister, United Kingdom. Age: 46.

11. Carlos Slim Helu

Chairman, Carlos Slim Foundation. Age: 72.

12. Sonia Gandhi

President, Indian National Congress. Age: 66.

13. Li Keqiang

Vice Premier, People's Republic Of China. Age: 57.

14. Francois Hollande

President, France. Age: 58.

15. Warren Buffett

CEO, Berkshire Hathaway. Age: 82.

16. Michael Bloomberg

Mayor, New York City. Age: 70.

17. Michael T. Duke

CEO, Wal-Mart. Age: 63.

18. Dilma Rousseff

President, Brazil. Age: 65.


19. Manmohan Singh

Prime Minister, India. Age: 80.

20. Sergey Brin & Larry Page

Cofounders, Google. Ages: 39. 

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