
Showing posts with label SCIENCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCIENCE. Show all posts

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Space Sorority: Fifty Years of Women in Orbit

On the 50th anniversary of Valentina Tereshkova's history-making flight, the female astronaut is no longer a surprising thing
Astronaut Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman sent into
space, in Moscow, on June 16, 1963.

The first man on the moon was a character in popular culture decades—even centuries, perhaps—before Neil Armstrong actually filled the role. The assumption was that humanity would reach the moon someday, and it was simply  a given that the first historic step would indeed be taken by a man. “This country should commit itself, before this decade is out,” President Kennedy declared in 1961, “to landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth.” There was no need for the gender-neutral “landing a person on the moon,” no clumsy “and returning him or her safely to the Earth.” Astronauts were supposed to be men and they jolly well would be.

But only until they weren’t. The boys-only rule ended fast, just two years later, when the Soviet Union sent Valentina Tereshkova into orbit for a flight that lasted just minutes shy of three full days. The 50th anniversary of that journey is June 16th, and in the half century since Tereshkova’s flight, 57 other women have strapped in and blasted off, representing nine different countries—most recently China. The U.S. did not join the space sorority until 1983, when Sally Ride flew, but America made up for that dallying, sending a total of 45 women into space since then. They have faced the same challenges as the men, experienced the same thrills as the men and, on occasion, paid the same price as the men. Four women—Christa McAulliffe, Judith Resnik, Laurel Clark, and Kalpana Chawla—died in the Challenger and Columbia disasters.

The U.S. space program is now in a state of drift, with no American vehicle currently capable of carrying human beings to space, and NASA thus dependent on the Russians to ferry our crews up to the International Space Station—at a cost of $70 million per seat. But China—as in so many other things—is a rising power in space and on June 11, sent its second female astronaut, Wang Yaping, into orbit on what is just the country’s fifth crewed mission. She was preceded last year by Liu Yang.

There was less global hoopla when Yang flew than when Ride did, and much less than when Tereshkova did. The fact that human beings travel in space continues to be—and should be—something that delights and even surprises us. The fact that women are among those explorers is, at last, becoming routine.

Friday, August 16, 2013

New Facebook Emoticons Smiley

Emosikon adalah sebuah simbol atau kombinasi dari simbol-simbol yang biasanya digunakan untuk menggambarkan ekspresi wajah manusia yang mengandung emosi atau perasaan dalam bentuk pesan atau tulisan. 

Kata “emosikon” ini sebenarnya secara etimologi merupakan gabungan dua kata dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu emotion, yang berarti emosi, dan icon, yang berarti simbol. Emosikon biasa digunakan pada teks pesan singkat, e-mail, maupun pada forum-forum internet, seperti chat-rooms maupun blog. Emosikon diciptakan sebagai kompensasi dari ketidakmampuan penyampaian nada suara, ekspresi muka, maupun gestur badan dalam komunikasi tertulis. 

Oleh karena itulah, emosikon menjembatani pemisah antara pesan tulisan dengan percakapan tatap muka dengan memberikan gambaran kepada pembaca tentang apa yang dimaksudkan oleh penulis dengan menampilkan gambar ekspresi wajah. Di masa sekarang, dimana banyak orang yang saling berkomunikasi dengan orang yang sama sekali belum pernah ia kenal maupun temui, emosikon menempati peran penting dalam komunikasi online, karena emosikon dapat menjadi sarana yang sangat efektif untuk menghindari kesalahan penginterpretasian pesan.

Anda dapat mengirim mereka smiley saat chatting bersama teman anda, Tapi masalahnya adalah bahwa di mana kita dapat menemukan smiley baru! Jangan khawatir di posting ini saya akan memberikan yang terbaik dari Facebook emosi 2013. Ikuti instruksi dibawah ini untuk menggunakan smiley.

Menggunakan emosi baru 2013 yang sangat sederhana, Anda hanya perlu menyalin kodenya yang di bawah ini dan kemudian paste kode ke Facebook jendela chatting. Setelah menyisipkan kode dan teman-teman Anda sudah bisa melihat indahnya smiley pada jendela chat.

Coffee Smiley For Facebook Chat

Facebook Chat Code:

Facebook Emoticon Of Messi

Facebook Chat Code:

Heart Giving Smiley 

Facebook Chat Code:

Soldier Smiley

Facebook Chat Code:

Thank You Emoticon

Facebook Chat Code:

Smiley Lifting Weights

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Bob Marley

Facebook Chat Code:

Gangnam Style - Facebook Chat Emoticon

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Ghostface Emoticon

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Gollum Emoticon

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Alien Emoticon

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Me And You Fit Together Like Puzzles

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Red Rose Emoticon For Facebook

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Miss You - Facebook Chat Emoticon

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Nailed Heart

Facebook Chat Code:

I Love You - Facebook Emoticon

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WTF Smiley

Facebook Chat Code:

Smiley Begging Please

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Yin-Yang Symbol For Facebook Chat

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Rasta Penguine

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Music Notes - Facebook Emoticon

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Hidden Baby - Facebook Emoticon

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Fist - New Facebook Emoticon

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Bored Smiley

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Teddy Bear With Flower Bouquet

Facebook Chat Code:

Hello Kitty For Facebook Chat

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Good Morning - Emoticon For Facebook

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